Joyful Pregnancy

Celebrating you and your sweet Little miracle.

A one-to-one pregnancy support program that nurtures your Mind, Body & Spirit so that you can celebrate your pregnancy and feel emotionally, physically and spiritually balanced from deep within every day.

Being newly pregnant can often breathe fresh energy into the fears, self-doubts and difficult emotions we thought we'd dealt with during the conception stage.

Many new mothers believe that getting pregnant will erase the stress, doubt and fear they felt while struggling to conceive.

Yet the joy and excitement we imagine we'll feel when we finally get pregnant, and the anxiety and uneasiness we experience in those vital first weeks and months of pregnancy can be a minefield.

I feel you. I've been there too.

It's not unusual to experience higher levels of anxiety and fear during pregnancy, especially after a long and difficult fertility journey or if you've endured pregnancy loss before.

Many newly pregnant mothers often struggle with

  • intense self-doubt and vulnerability.

  • unexpected feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness.

  • heightened levels of anxiety, irritability and depression.

  • excessive worry about the baby.

  • heightened fear of miscarrying - particularly if you've experienced a previous loss.

  • an intense resurgence of grief or guilt.

  • Insomnia.

While it's normal to feel and experience all these things, it can be extremely confusing and isolating to navigate them without proper support.

You can have a joyful, easy, serene pregnancy.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and let’s talk about how Joyful Pregnancy can support you in those first anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy.

What if you could:

  • Trust the divine intelligence of your body to nurture you and your baby.

  • Feel deeply connected to your body and your baby during this miraculous time.

  • Feel emotionally, physically and spiritually balanced from deep within every day of your pregnancy.

  • Relish every moment of your pregnancy, free of worry and stress.

  • Ride out the hormonal highs and lows of early pregnancy with grace and compassion for yourself.

  • Embrace your pregnancy for the unique adventure it is without comparing yourself to anyone else.

  • Eat well. Rest well. Play well. You deserve it!

Priorising your emotional wellbeing and reducing stress in the early weeks of pregnancy is the healthiest and most valuable gift you can give your baby.

Joyful Pregnancy is designed to help you celebrate your new baby and provide the vital support and nurturing you need in those first few anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy and into motherhood.

You can have beautiful, joyful, anxiety-free pregnancy you’ve always dreamed of.

Over 2 months we’ll work together to deepen your Mind-Body-Spirit alignment and ground your pregnancy in grace and self-love.

You’ll learn practical and effective techniques to help you manage stress, restore hope, and replenish your resilience to support you and your baby through pregnancy, birth and into motherhood.

  • Soothe

    Soothe anxiety & stress to help you create more ease & flow.

  • Release

    Release old traumas, negativity & pregnancy blocks getting in your way.

  • Nurture

    Grow your joy & nurture your soul so that you can live a rich, fertility, full life.

  • Balance

    Find your Mind-Body-Spirit-Baby sweet spot.

I had several breakthrough moments in which I was able to see the threads connecting my current concerns with the moments in my childhood. That clarity has been life-changing for me”

“In my sessions with Sim, we focused on inner child healing work, which helped me examine my anxiety, stress-load, how to better prioritize myself, and to understand what self-care means to me and can do for me. I felt safe during every session, even though I was at my most vulnerable. I had several breakthrough moments in which I was able to see the threads connecting my current concerns (anxiety, feelings of falling short, being overwhelmed) with the moments in my childhood. That clarity has been life-changing for me”

— MK, Mississippi 

This is for you if…

  • You're struggling to relax into and enjoy your new pregnancy.

  • You believe that because you struggled to get pregnant you're bound to have a difficult pregnancy.

  • You believe that because the women in your family had difficult pregnancies you will too.

  • You've experienced a loss in the past and don't want to allow yourself to get too attached to your new baby because you're afraid another loss will break you.

  • You have trouble trusting that your body will support you and your baby through a healthy pregnancy and birth.

  • Your anxiety is at an all time high again, you're struggling to sleep, and you're back to googling every little twitch and twinge at 2am.

  • You're flying Solo without the support of a partner and need extra support and encouragement at this vulnerable time.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You don't believe that a healthy and balanced Mind-Body-Spirit practice can enhance your overall health during pregnancy.

  • You're not willing to investing the time and energy to commit to doing the exercises and practices that will bring more ease, joy and serenity to your pregnancy.

  • You believe that you have to do pregnancy perfectly and are not willing to be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself during this vulnerable and miraculous time.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and let’s talk about how Joyful Pregnancy can support you in those first anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy.

Nothing replaces the individualised support and attention of one-to-one connection with a professional who gets it.

Joyful Pregnancy is designed to help you celebrate your new baby and provide the vital support and nurturing you need in those first few anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy and into motherhood.

You’ll have -

4x 60-min sessions over 2 months.

Every conception journey and pregnancy is unique. We’ll begin with where you are, talk through your anxieties, do some deep healing and ground you in grace, self-love and self-compassion that will see you through your pregnancy, birth and into motherhood.

A personalised support and accountability plan to move you forward.

Joyful Pregnancy is tailored to your unique needs, goals and lifestyle. You’ll come away with manageable tools, exercises and strategies to help you cultivate resilience and a robust self-care practice so that you can live with innate joy, ease, and optimism and thrive during your pregnancy.

Convenient online video sessions from anywhere in the world.

All sessions are conducted on Google Meet and can be done in the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. Find a quiet spot, pull on your favourite yoga pants and grab a cup of tea.

Email and Voxer support between sessions.

The early days of pregnancy can be stressful. There may be times when you need to ask questions or could do with little extra support. You can always shoot me an email, and I use a free app called Voxer to offer additional support to my clients. I’m available to you Monday - Friday between sessions and will do my best to respond within 24-48 hours. We’ve got this!

Session recordings on request.

A lot can unfold in a session. Revisiting sessions for deeper insight into your growth or to review a guided meditation or exercise can be extremely beneficial and comforting as you move along.

** please note that I do not record sessions unless requested.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and let’s talk about how Joyful Pregnancy can support you in those first anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy.

The Joyful Pregnancy plan

investment is $495

Interested in finding out more about how we could work together? 

Click the button and schedule a free 30-min Clarity Call with me to see if we’re the right fit and if this is the right investment for you and your pregnancy at this time.

Hiya, I’m Sim.

I'm a certified Fertility Wellness Coach and IVF HypnoCoach. You might call me the Joyful Fertility Coach.

I help women struggling with fertility step out of trying to conceive from a place of fear, doubt, and scarcity and into a mindset of potential, possibility and joy.

I know first hand how demoralising, lonely and depleting struggling to conceive can be. My own five year struggle to birth my beautiful IVF Little were the most distressing and heartbreaking years of my life.

I help my clients replenish resilience and confidence in their ability to create the family of their dreams no matter the odds. And I provide the nurturing support, guidance and tools they need to find their Mind-Body-Spirit-Baby sweet spot.

With practical, manageable tools and exercises, I'll help you cultivate a healthy self-care and self-love practice grounded in compassion, wholeness and joy.

Learn more about how I can help you find ease and balance so you can live a rich, joyful, fertile life while trying to conceive and through pregnancy.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and let’s talk about how Joyful Pregnancy can support you in those first anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy.


  • No, Joyful Pregnancy is a stand alone support program available to anyone who is newly pregnancy and would like extra support.

  • I help women deal with the emotional and mental overwhelm, anxiety, and stress resulting from a difficult conception journey. Yet every woman is unique with a unique set of circumstances.

    The best way to find out if Joyful Pregnancy is right for you is by getting on a Clarity Call with me and talking through your specific situation, needs and questions.

    The first step is to help you find ease, comfort and nourishment while trying to conceive. This will allow you to find Mind-Body-Spirit-Baby sweet spot, and allow your energy to flow more intuitively so that you can step back into the divine joy and power of your creative energy.

    If we start with nurturing and giving your heart and soul what you most need, creating what you want will feel more accessible and achievable

  • First, I’m so sorry you had to go that. I know the agony of loss.

    Whenever or however your loss occurred - early, missed, stillbirth, medical or elective termination - I understand how deeply losing a baby can wound and distort your future dreams and linger long after you thought you’ve dealt with it.

    I also understand how the fear and anxiety around getting pregnant again or experiencing another loss can overtake you.

    More often than not, we don’t allow ourselves the full scope and experience of our grief because it’s too painful, deeply personal and isolating.

    I can help you process your grief and begin healing and releasing the trauma of previous losses so that you can enjoy a stress-free and joyful pregnancy.

  • I hear you. Hypnosis has gotten a bad wrap.

    But contrary to what you’ve seen in movies or stage demos, hypnosis is not mind control, amnesia, going to sleep or a black out. You’re not going to reveal you deepest darkest secrets or get “stuck in a trance”. And I'm not going to make you cluck like a chicken.

    Hypnosis is natural state of deep focus and relaxation that we experience several times a day without noticing or knowing it.

    Daydreaming is a form of self-induced hypnosis. So are the times you zone out on the highway then pull up to your destination unable remember how you got there. Or those times you lose track of time in the shower and come up with the solution to a problem you've been thinking about for days. These are a few simple examples of when the subconscious mind over takes critical thinking and runs the show.

    The beauty of the subconscious is that it's infinitely intelligent; a reservoir of imagination, creativity and solutions. It is constantly learning, growing and adapting.

    The subconscious mind is also where our brain stores our habits, memories, beliefs and emotions; pre-programmed systems we rely on to move through our lives with safety and ease, and requires a minimal amount of energy or conscious thought.

    Yet some pre-programmed habits and beliefs outgrow their usefulness over time and can become blocks and blind spots to our desires and success.

    Hypnosis allows us to collaborate directly with the subconscious mind to renegotiate or clear away things that are no longer useful to us and may in fact prevent us from creating and living the lives we want.

    Because we're bypassing the critical mind and going directly to the source, we're able to speed up the process of bringing the mind and body into alignment and create long-lasting improvement and change. In this way hypnosis goes much deeper than mindfulness or guided meditation and is much more effective.

    It feels a lot like mediation, but instead of trying to silence your thoughts, we're actively engaging with your thoughts in a highly focused, deeply relaxing and safe way.

    This is especially helpful for people who find mediation anxiety provoking, or for whom mediation simply doesn't work. Hypnosis is a safe, fast and effective alternative.

    You're completely conscious and fully aware of everything around you at all times. And your full consent and participation in the process is crucial as you are the one doing the work. As the therapist I am simply your guide and anchor through the process.

    You'll emerge from a session feeling alert, calm and rejuvenated. And within a few days you'll begin to notice a difference in how you feel and move through your daily life.

  • There's a plethora of great resources (Youtube, books, podcasts... etc.) to educate yourself on everything related to pregnancy and emotional wellbeing.

    However, these resources, while convenient, can be generic, overwhelming, further isolating, and time consuming to wade through.

    Because I tailor Joyful Pregnancy specifically to your needs you won't waste time going down rabbit holes that are not right for you and your unique circumstances.

    Working one-to-one with me will provide you with the guidance, support and accountability to keep you grounded.

  • Reaching out for help can be intimidating, scary and even cause you to feel embarrassed. Especially when you’re at your most vulnerable.

    I work hard to make you feel safe and that your boundaries are honoured. I want you to feel like you’re talking to an old friend

    My sessions are extremely laid-back and deeply relaxing.

    Sometimes we’ll be having a conversation with your eyes open. Sometimes you’ll be so relaxed they’ll be closed.

    Most importantly, nothing happens without your consent.

    If this sounds like exactly what you need or have been looking for, I’m happy to answer any questions you have about any aspect of my work at any time.

    Book a Clarity call. Let me know what you need and how I can help.

    We’ve got this!

  • I offer a one time only 75 min. Joyful Power Hour to laser-focus on whatever issue you want to unpack and get clarity on.

    The Joyful Way and Joyful Pregnancy are designed to be most effective and yield the best results when worked through from beginning to end of the programs.